Women Role In Society

Women Role In Society We have a lot in our classical literature on women’s rightful place in the society and it should be shared with others. Those engaged in the Women’s Lib movement have many fine ideas and some misconceptions, too. It is painful to hear the term “working women (or working mothers)” used only for the women engaged in monetarily gainful employment . शादी की न्यूनतम आयु सीमा पर क्‍यों पड़ी पुनर्विचार की जरूरत लड़कियों के लिए

The question is : Can we not give respect at a woman who is working tirelessly from early morning to late evening to make her home a peaceful solace giving heaven for her husband and children ? A woman managing her household and bringing up her children selflessly is doing the greatest tasks of bringing peace on the earth and building future human generations. She deserves all our praise , respect and love. सोशल नेटवर्किंग साइट्स पर ऑडियो स्ट्रीमिंग का बढ़ता दायरा

She is the real working mother rather than the one who is taking too much of pride out of her secretarial, managerial, manual or any such work out of her home, sometimes being done at the cost of her real duties. Of course a woman should not confine herself to her home and should come out to broaden her outlook. We must inject our societies with the vedic sayings like “where the real working mother is happy there everyone else is happy ( यत्र नार्यंस्य पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता )” etc. -Guru Ji 

मनोवैज्ञानिक और सांस्कृतिक कारणों पर देना होगा ध्यान दुष्कर्म को रोकने के लिए…

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