Know the history of 7 days of the week, when was the first Sunday?

What, when and how was the history of 7 days of the week kept?

After whom are the 7 days of the week named, when and why?

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The history of 7 days of the week which is continuously moving and revolving around the Sun is called Griha. 

How is the year formed?

The history of the 7 days of the week when the house revolves around the sun and revolves and completes a cycle at which time a year is formed. At the same time, houses move in two ways. They move around the Sun, while moving, they also rotate on their axis. When they complete a cycle of this orbit, it is called a day. 

Once the earth rotates completely on its axis in 24 hours, it is called war, day-day etc. 

According to sages, texts, Sunday was the first day of this creation. Which has also been proved by calculation. Raise the spirit of a small family, bring prosperity in the society: Family Planning

Ravi is called Surya, Dinkar, Bhaskar etc. as it is a synonym. 

On whose naming did the sun go? 

Let's know The history of 7 days of the week is the name of Surya Parampita, the Supreme God, who illuminates all the living beings, real movable castes, root substances in the ignorant mantra of the evening which transmits light into his heart. Reveals all beings and the universe. The form itself is light. Therefore, the name of the Supreme Father-God is Surya. And this quality is seen in a house in the solar system. Which today are known as Surya. So this house was named after the Sun of God. This is what the British said from Sun Day to Sun Day, that is, Sun Day because Sun is called SUN at today's time. This is exactly how it was copied. But still they say that we gave it to the world and it is our creation. If you want to live long, leave these 6 demerits today

Chandravar means Monday  

History of the 7 days of the week, Chandravar, which is called Monday because the moon is also called Som because Chandra is a name of that Supreme Father God. Let's know? how ? Which is a form of bliss and will give joy to everyone. Therefore, that Father God is called Chandra. There is a sublime at night time that makes the earth blissful with the same moon. That is why the name of that sub-house is Chandra, because it gives coolness and joy to everyone at night. In the same way that God keeps everyone happy, this sub-house gives pleasure to the earth i.e. coolness. Hence this sub-house was named Chandra. And by the name of this house, Rishimunis made another day which is called Chandravar i.e. Monday. Similarly, the British made it Moon Day from Chandravar which is called Monday today. 

On Tuesday, the British named the history of 7 days of the holy  week, Tuesday, after a god of Rome. Mars was marshaled. Rome has a great influence on this English calendar and these wars. July was named after Rome's emperor Julius Caesar and August was named after Augustus. Mars was marshaled in the name of a deity from Rome because it was called Marsh itself. Similarly, this war was called Tuesday. Sapna Chaudhary has crores of fans today, had once consumed life by consuming poison

Mars is also a name for the Supreme Father, the God. how ? 

Which is the form of Mars and is the eclipse of all beings, that is why the name of that God is also Mars and on this one name of God, he made Rishimunis Mars. 


History of 7 days of the week, Mercury is also a name for the Supreme Father, the God. how ? The form of Mercury which is great intelligent is the knowledge of all living beings, because it is known to all living beings and resides in their conscience, hence it is called Mercury. That means he is a very wise person. Therefore a planet in the solar system is called Mercury. Because Mercury revolves around the Sun at a very fast speed like intelligence at a rapid pace. All Sanskrit words have been chosen by the Rishimunis for their planets. And the British copied it. Mercury makes one revolution of the Sun in just 88 days, we gave it the name of the planet Mercury. 


History of 7 days of the week, Mercury is also a name for the Supreme Father, the God. how ? "Qualified groom for eligible daughter" is a very difficult question to answer.

Which is bigger than the elders is bigger than the whole universe, which has no side-end in which everything is merged. Therefore, that Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is also called Brihaspati. All these names are of the same God. The planet Jupiter is very large, Rishimunis have named a planet Jupiter by the name of God. And by the same name the Rishimunis made a war, which is named Thursday. Just as everything is merged in the Supreme Soul, similarly all the planets in the solar system can be contained in Jupiter, except only the Sun. 


History of 7 days of the week, Mercury is also a name for the Supreme Father, the God. how ? Which is very sacred, with which all souls become pure, along with that which is also holy. Therefore, Venus is also a name of that Supreme Father, because it is holy and Venus means holy, full of beauty. Similarly, the name of a planet named Venus after the name of the Rishimunis God. Because today Venus is the most opulent of all the planets and is very bright. As the divine is, this planet is named Venus. And this planet has been named as Friday. This Venus was named by the British after a goddess of Rome. Because Venus is considered the goddess of love and beauty in Rome.  The Pakistan Ministry's statement on the massive retaliatory structure collapse of the Ministry of External Affairs…


History of 7 days of the week, Saturn is also a name for the Supreme Father, the God. how ? The one who is most easily received and the most patient. Therefore, one of the names of that Supreme Father, God, is Shani. That is, Saturn is named from one planet to another. Because it revolves around the Sun most comfortably among all the planets. Rishimunis were named Saturday after this planet. Which also means lightest and actually Saturn is the lightest. Know about a PM of India who did not have his own house

The above 7 days are kept by our sages in the name of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. 

1. Sunday ie Sunday 

2. Chandravar i.e. Monday 

3. On the third day of the creation, when everything was set to Mars, the name of the third day was changed to Bhomwar by Tuesday. 

4. The next day the Buddha light came and we saw all the things with intelligence, then the Rishimunis made it Wednesday. 5. The first Guru in the universe is God and Rishimunis named Thursday ie Thursday on one name. By this day, the knowledge of the Supreme Father, the divine, had slowly started reaching everyone. 

6. By using semen properly in the beginning of creation, children were born. Just as Venus is very less, in the same way metal in the body ie semen is produced in very less quantity, for which we should protect our celibacy. Smriti Irani speaks in UNGA, India insists on ending gender discrimination in all areas

7. Shani is very holy, which is a name of God and Saturday was kept on the 7th day of creation because on this day we started consuming all things.  

Sunday was the first day of creation 1,96,08,53,118 years ago. On March 18, 2018, it will be 119 years. This is the new year, this is the new year of the whole world. -Alok Arya

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