Hindu Right To Propagate Religion

Hindu Right To Propagate Religion If educational institutions are considered essential for the preservation and propagation of the religion of the minorities under Article 30, how can this same right be denied to other religious organisations, even if they are supposed to be parts of the Hindus majority community. पैरंट्स देते हैं साथ तो बच्चे चढ़ते जाते हैं जीवन में तरक्की की सीढ़ियां, बनाते रिकॉर्ड

You are reading “Hindu Right To Propagate Religion”  नई राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति को सराहा अमित शाह और जेपी नड्डा ने…

Giving protection to the minorities in the matter of religion does not and should not mean that the majority has no such right to preserve and preach its religion when even individuals have been given the right under Articles 25. It should be remembered that it is religion which is the basis of the right given under Article 30 (1) and not any political, social or economic concession or consideration. वेदों में बताए देवता God described by Vedas

The Right to Propagate Religion was specifically added under Article 25 on the demand of the Christians and the Muslims because they claimed to be proselytising religions and consequently it has been held by the Supreme Court that educational institutions are necessary and effective means of preserving and propagating their religions and culture राफेल-पर पप्पू (राहुल)-क्यों-फेल-राफेल-तो-आ-गए… ( AIR,1974, Supreme Court, p. 1889, paras 135,136,138,145,146,and 147 ). Judicial decisions 1958 SC 961 (h) as also 1974 SC 1389 sum up the laws in this respect. Justice Mathew specially emphasised the importance of educational institutions in the context of religions freedom, Justice Dwivedi also endorsed his view in para 274 of this judgement ( AIR 1974, Supreme Court, para 274).न्यायकारी राजा और किसान King and Farmer Story -Guru Ji
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